Welcome Message


Call: 609-425-1640
6:00 am - 8:00am & 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm

In the afternoon, students in Preschool through Fourth Grade will not be left at their bus stop without a parent present at the bus stop. This means the adult must be visible to the driver at time of drop off.

If a parent is not visible when the bus arrives at the bus stop for a Preschool through Fourth Grade student, the
bus will finish the bus route and then take the student to our Primary School for the Hawks’ Nest program. To
reach the Primary School call 609-861-2821 ext. 102. After hours, you can reach Hawks’ Nest at

Please keep in mind, for safety reasons:
● Once a bus has left a bus stop, it cannot turn around and come back to the stop
● In the AM, late families may not follow the bus and ask to put the child on at a different location
● In the PM, parents may not follow a bus and ask to have their child depart at a different stop or location
● If a bus travels back past a home, it may not let the child off on the other side of the road. Only use of
designated bus stops is permitted.
● Parents are asked to not text or try to reach a driver while they are on route. Please call the school if you
need assistance.

Bus Stop Safety Reminders

For Students:

  • Stay back at least 10 feet from the road while waiting for the bus. Do not play games or run around at the bus stop.
  • When you see the bus coming, form a line—do not rush to the roadway or push others to try to be the first on the bus.
  • If you must cross in front of the bus, look at the driver for directions and cross in front of the crossing gate arm.
  • Never walk behind the bus.
  • Do not try to pick up something dropped near the bus—the bus driver may not see you. Ask the driver first.
  • Have respect for others’ property at the bus stop and on the bus

For Parents:

  • We strongly recommend that younger students be supervised at the bus stop (coming and going) by a parent or other adult.
  • Do not crowd the bus stop with personal vehicles. This poses a danger by obstructing traffic and blocking drivers’ views.
  • Park all cars legally - 25 feet back from the intersection. Do not park in the wrong direction.
  • Do not block the place that the bus makes its stop. Do not block the driveways of the property owners at the stop. Do not block walkways or mailboxes.
  • Have students in an orderly straight line as the bus approaches.
  • Have the students respect the homeowner’s property at the bus stop.
  • Look carefully before allowing your child to exit your vehicle at the bus stop.
  • Do not pull your vehicle directly behind a bus and release your child to run alongside the bus.
  • Do not “chase” the bus from one stop to another. If your child misses the bus, please take your child directly to school.
  • We strongly recommend that all students be at the assigned bus stop 10 minutes prior to the scheduled bus arrival.
  • Check your child’s clothing to make sure it is safe.