Welcome Message
Hola My name is Carlos Covarrubias, or Mr. C. This is my 16th year teaching Spanish here at DT. I am originally from Mexico City; I have been living in the US for the past 20 years +, and became a resident of this area 16 years ago. I truly enjoy teaching Spanish to the children of DT. Spanish class is always active, fun and there is no room to be shy. Good luck and enjoy "La Clase de Espanol".
2020 - 2021
Hola! Welcome back to an exciting new school year.
La clase de Espanol ROCKS!
Class expectations:
Positive active participation!! That explains it all. Be on time, be ready (folder, pencil, etc.), be enthusiastic, BEHAVE, and be ready to enjoy a fun filled year in Espanol.
You will attend class with your specials binder or Spanish folder. Everything that is handed to you concerning Spanish class will remain in that folder/binder. Keep your binder/folder organized and up to date; it will reflect on your grade.
Classroom procedures:
You will be assigned a seat; you share that seat with children from other grades, so respect it! You may not change seats unless you are instructed by the teacher (Me). Do not leave your seat without asking. When you hear: "Levanta la mano" that means sit down, close your mouth and be ready to listen.Respect others and respect yourself, treat others the same way you would like to be treated. Any problems; see me.
Grading policy:
Participation= 50% HW,Tests&Quizzes=50%
Each one of you bring something special to the class so be an active participant, have a positive attitude and it will reflect on your grade! All of you know that we will be doing pair and group activities in which your participation is a must, and therefore a big part of your grade.
To the Parents:
La clase de Espanol is a once a week 45 minute session for grades 4th to 8th. I am available for any questions or concerns. I look forward to teaching your children in "La clase de Espanol" Hasta la vista!